Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

Pastor's Desk


Pastor Charles earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance from University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin; a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia; and a member and Registered Principal of National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). 

An Invitation to Come and See Miracles!

Pastor Charles was born out of due time. In 1979, through a divine intervention of God, he was invited by a High School friend to a local revival meeting under a tent to “come and see miracles”. He reluctantly followed his friend and sure enough, he saw the blinds see, the lames walk during their Evening Crusades.

Pastor Charles was very convinced that Christ was raised from the grave the first two nights that he went to the front to accept Him as Lord and Savior, but nothing happened. After the second night, he thought to himself that may be the reason the Lord did not touch him like the others might be because he had his Muslim Prayer Beads in his pocket, so he decided to leave it at home the third night, but still nothing happened.

He was deeply disappointed going home the third night, and he simply told his friend; “I am not coming tomorrow. I have seen enough”. The following morning at 4:12 am in 1979, the Lord visited him in his sleep. Before His visitation while he was half awoke, the Holy Spirit told him, “the Lord you are running away from is coming to visit you”. The Lord came to the room in His divine glory that beamed upon His Face, His Girdle, His Robe and His Sandals. He then gently bent down and showed him the prints of nails in his Right and Left Hands and then disappeared. 
   Pastor Charles Alimi

Christ is Alive Forevermore!

This was how Pastor Charles got saved. No one asked him to believe. The altar call couldn’t do it. The laying on of hand of the Evangelist couldn’t do it. It was the Lord Himself who came to reveal Himself to him in a mighty way that He is alive forevermore. He frequently refers to this life changing experience as the circumcision of his heart. From that day forward, when he sees a sick person, he only sees the prints of that sickness, because: “…Death is swallowed up in victory” 1 Corinth. 15:54 on the Cross.

As a testimony of Christ’s healing power and grace, over the years, eight people were healed of various forms of cancers in his church with a typical case where a coffin followed a 34 years old lupus cancer woman to the altar; the Pastor saw a momentary glimpse of it, and the Lord broke the coffin and healed the woman. Another typical case was a woman with four and half month's issues of blood that was completely healed and made whole.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Christ, the Risen Savior

The Call to Ministry

The Call of God to revival ministry came in October 1989 at 11.45 pm while he was coming from Regent University Library. The Lord audibly spoke “Hosanna” to him. He then started weekly prayer meetings in his apartment. From that very beginning, his goal has been to pray for revivals in America and around the globe on a daily basis.  

In December 2009, the Lord commanded him to pick 12 nations for the physical locations of His Name “Hosanna” to represent the 12 tribes of Israel for the End Time harvest of souls worldwide. Pastor Charles would not be surprised to see the Lord comes back in our generation! To this end, he has decided to lay down his life as a living sacrifice to proclaim revivals in America and around the globe. 

Above all, Pastor Charles is a dedicated father to his teenage son, David. He is strongly committed to family values and restoration; community and cultural reconciliations on the basis of strong teaching of God’s Words; while preparing strong revivals leaders to rally the body of Christ for the final Return of the Lord.
                                             God is love
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