Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

Come Behold The Lamb

Come Behold The Lamb

Come Behold The Lamb!

A Divine Visitation of The Resurrected Christ

In April 1979, I had a divine visitation of the Risen Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His divine glory, visited me in my sleep at 4:15 am, and showed me the prints of nails in His Hands. From that moment forward, my life was forever changed. I was unable to get out of the room for over 11 hours out of which a voice was dictating Scriptures to me for 8 hours nonstop. The moment I read the Scripture, the Voice then dictated another Scripture. This was the beginning of my audible hearing of the Voice of the Lord. Besides, many of those Scriptures read were permanently written in my heart! From that day forward:
When I see a sick person, 
I only see the prints of that sickness,
since the sickness itself has been swallowed up in Victory on the Cross. Glory!
I Corinth. 15:54 
Many miraculous healings took place in and out of our Church over the years. A total of eight people were healed of different types of cancers. A woman was healed of 4 1/2 months of issues of blood. A college student was healed of a mental disorder. A woman was delivered of a Python snake that possessed and tormented her in her sleep for over 10 years, and many more miracles. Praise God! 

Adapted from the Major Historical Events of the Call
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