Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

About Us

About Us

The Vision And The Scrolls

The vision of Hosanna Revivals is to fulfill the Call of God for the End Time Revivals
 received by the Founder to pray for Revivals in America and around the globe. 
It is an End Time Roll Call of God to duty of the Church
to prepare the Body of Christ for the soon
coming Christ in glory. 

Hosanna Mission Statement

Our mission is to fulfill the Vision God gave us – to bring Authority, Revivals and Healings to the body of Christ worldwide by establishing Hosanna Revivals in America, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Johannesburg, China, Japan, St. Petersburg, Germany, Spain and London England. These are the End Time Assignments we have before us. Would you join us for this great rally to the end of the world? 

As commanded of the Lord: We are to rebuild the broken walls of faith of believers in all locations by providing prayer spirit-filled environment with strong teaching of God’s holy Words and fervent prayers for revivals, families, sick persons, broken hearts and the restoration of lost souls to the body. It is revivals unlimited till the Lord appears in glory!   

We strongly believe:
  • That the foundation of sin needs to be broken in the heart of the backsliding church in order to return to her first Love.
  • That Revivals is a new beginning of obedience with God where deep repentance with broken heart on our kneels with humility is needed for mercy before the Mercy Seat.
  • That Revivals will bring backslidden Christians to repentance and renew their faith to the burning reality of hell and eternity.
  • That Revivals will break the stronghold of this world over Christians and give them fresh desire towards heaven and the power to overcome sin.
  • That when believers are awakened and reformed in their bodies, souls and spirits, the reformation and salvation of the abandoned sinners are awakened and converted to serve the Living God.
  • That when our hearts and souls are fully set on prayer with groaning from our hearts with our needs at the altar of Grace, then Revivals will spring forth from our lower bellies like a well of Living Water.
  • Thus we shall be healed, restored and made whole to welcome the soon coming King. Hellelujah.
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