Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

A Royal Call To Pray

 A Royal Call To Pray

One Nation Under God!

On April 26, 1607, after a long journey across the treacherous Atlantic Ocean, the famous pioneer John Smith and his crew stepped ashore the sands of Virginia Beach... – where the Chesapeake Bay meets the Atlantic – and erected a Wooden Cross now known as the First Landing Cross.

In God we Trust!
God bless America!
We are a nation of the Heritage by the Sea!
We are a nation dedicated unto God at her infancy! One Nation
In God we Trust the reason we are blessed beyond measure! Under God
The Wooden Cross is the Foundation of our Freedom!

A Royal Call to Duty of Holiness!

God never does anything without using people. In the New Testament: In Acts Chapter 2, the Lord used Peter to preach the first sermon at Pentecost. He then used Apostle Paul to write 14 Letters to the Early Church. Apostle John was also used to write the Book of Revelation to the seven Churches in Asia Minor. In the spring of 1906, William J. Seymour started Azusa Street Revivals in Los Angeles. God is calling you to stand with us in prayers and finances at Hosanna Revivals for revivals in America and around the globe. It is a royal call to duty of repentance and holiness before the Almighty God. It is an end time roll call to the altar of grace before the final trumpet from on High!

The power of sins must be broken!

On January 31, 2009, in our Sunday morning service, the Lord gave us His divine direction concerning the ongoing Hosanna Revivals, that: The power of sins must be broken in the lives of the people before the revivals of fire can take place. That means the repentance of our sins on our kneels must take place at the altar of God. Sometimes we may have to fast and pray to break the power of sins.

The Lord said that there are four types of sins that need to be removed before His fire could fall on the body of Christ:
  • The sins of our former generation. Read Exodus 20:3-6
  • 2. The sins that easily beset us. Ezekiel 18:18-32
  • 3. The sins of this generation. Galatians 5:19-21
  • 4. The sins of the Church of the Living God. Revelation Chs 2&3 
The good news is no more condemnation! We just have to come to the altar of repentance to receive His forgiveness. It is there the blood of Jesus removes our sins in exchange for His White Robe: the garment of holiness, the very garment of resurrection. 22:11-15

Jesus is waiting at The Altar of Grace!

In Isaiah 43:25-26, the Lord declares: 
"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins. Put me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted." 

The lord is waiting for us to come to the altar of repentance and receive His forgiveness and grace. The power of His blood not only forgives and forgets our sins, but also reconciles us back to God.

The blood of Jesus is more than what money can buy!  
Prayer Changes Things! God bless America!

The Redemptive power in His 

The blood of Jesus has Eternal Life of the God-head in it! 

It is the Life in His blood that saves and heals our sicknesses! 

It is the Life in His blood that redeems and wash away our sins! 

It is the Life in His blood that gives power to His resurrection from the grave! 

It is Life unlimited to anything He touches including death, hell and the grave!

The Life itself is the power - the very warm sensation, we feel when He touches our bodies!

The Scripture says: "In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace". Ephesians 1:7
Grace! unlimited Grace! unlimited Mercy! unlimited Love that money cannot buy!
Glory be to Christ that lives forever and ever, the Lion of Judah!
Glory be to Him, the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
Glory be to Him, the Resurrection and the Life!
Glory be to Him, our Redeemer and our Shade!
Glory be to Him the Alpha and the Omega!

Lets you push me too far to put an icy on the cake with this glorious song:

There is Power! Power!
Wonder working Power!
In the blood of the Lamb!
There is Power! Power!
Wonder working Power!
In the blood of the Lamb!                         
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