Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

Blog Post

May 2012

Charles Alimi • Feb 19, 2018

Dear Beloved Saints of glory:

It is time to speak like God speaks in the Days of Genesis! Two months ago, the Lord spoke to me these words: Tell my people, The Spirit of Pentecost is hovering over them! I want them to speak My Word like I did in the Days of Genesis! With greater anointing and power, I will manifest my glory . The authority and power God used at creation has been released on the planet earth for the believers to carry out the End Time revivals. The Spoken Word of God carries the Life and the ability of God in it to accomplish His purpose on earth. It is time to speak the Word of authority and power ! It is time to speak the Word of Life ! It is time to speak…, says the Lord God Almighty!

The Power of Life!

Life is the “breath” of the Lord God Almighty! Gen 2:7. Life came to the earth as a Spoken Word “In the beginning”. Gen 1:1; John 1:1-3. The Spoken Word, then, established the earth in Genesis 1: 3, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24 and 26. Life speaks the Spoken Word of God as an expression of His Being, Majesty, Power and Splendor in all of His creation. Life is Trinity! Life is light and power! Life is glory! And Life has no darkness in it! John 1:4-5. Hallelujah!

The Power of Life was first established on earth in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden has the Tree of Life, Eternal Life, Abundant Life and Everlasting Life of God in it! The leaves of the Tree of Life are forever green. They are for the healings of the nations. Rev 22:1-5. The fruits of the Tree come out at the right season, and forever retain their good tastes. Ps 1:3. In Eden, there is nothing lacking, nothing missing, in the presence of a Holy God!

God is the Beginning and the End of Life on earth, but in Eternity, there is no end. Satan’s dominion of earth is to be restored back to mankind through Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who is Life Himself. Matt 11:28-30. In Deuteronomy 30:19-20, God laid the choice before all humanity to choose life or death! We are created to seek God, and fellowship with Him through His “only begotten Son”, Jesus Christ, and thereby be restored back to the former Garden of Eden we lost at the Beginning! To be restored back to the former Garden of Eden with the creator God, is to fellowship with Him, and once again, have a taste of Eternity on earth. And that I called generic Eternity: Living abundant life in the Spirit and blessings of Eden on earth, through the Son. Shout Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!

To have Life and have it abundantly, we must completely surrender our hearts to Christ and His Will, and allow the Holy Spirit to recreate us, inside out, to the perfect image of the Risen Christ!

The Power of the Spoken Word!

The power to shape your life lies within you! God released the Spoken Word in Genesis. The Spoken Word now becomes the Living Word for all believers. Your thoughts and words are the by-products of the Living Word coming from your heart. Depends on what you say and believe, you can make your life miserable or blessed. It is up to you to speak life!

Positive words from the Spoken Word would set you free and bring happiness to your life. Positive confessions of the Spoken Word become the Living Word that brings prosperity into your life. To affirm and declare the Spoken Word directly as God speaks it in the Bible, is to empower the Holy Spirit to transform your life into the perfect image of the Living Christ. Doing this consciously and repeatedly is called meditating on God’s Word. Joshua 1:8. Doing this consciously and believing it, is called faith in God’s word. Heb 11:1. Death and life are in the power of your tongue. Prov 18:22.

Here comes the demonstration of the power of the Spoken Word:

  • Prophet Ezekiel spoke to the Dry Bones in a dream and they become the House of Israel. Eze 37:6-9
  • Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary in her dream and baby Jesus was manifested in her womb. Matt 1:18-25
  • Jesus cast out demons and healed the sick by the power of the Spoken Word. Matt 8:14-17
  • Apostle Peter spoke to the paralytic man at the Temple gate and the man stood on his feet. Acts 3:1-9

The Power of the Living Word!

“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”. Heb 4:12. The Word of God has the Life of God in it. The Life of God gives life to whatever He says. His Word is a double-edged sword with divine ability to discern, penetrate muscles, bones, rocks and even knows what the person is thinking! That is powerful!

The Living Word has been settled in the heavenly; no one on earth can add or subtract from it. It is "pure", and "purified seven times" from the Throne of God and still the same. Ps12:6. The Living Word has creative power and the ability of God in it to change our circumstances.

In Hebrews 6:13-18, God swore by Himself to back up His promises to Abraham: “saying, ‘Surely I will bless you and multiply you’. And thus Abraham, having patiently endured, obtained the promise”. When people make promises on paper, they guarantee it, and then a Lawyer’s signature may be required to bind it on each party. The Living Word has the Life of God in it. It needs no guarantee, or a Lawyer to bind it. It works by the breath of the Lord God Almighty!

Thus the Scripture proclaims: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father”. John 1:14.

Jesus is the Living Word! The Living Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. The Living Word heals, saves and delivers! He provides, purifies and sanctifies! Ps. 119:105, 89-91, 97-104, 9, 11, 29. Now, if you believe what the Spirit of Pentecost is saying, then, stand on your feet and praise the Holy One of Israel.

TONGUES: The “Power Gift” of the Pentecost!

In our update date last month, the Lord reminded us to pray more in the Spirit for the ultimate victory in revivals for the End Times. To pray in our regular language is not good enough! To pray in our heavenly language, “tongues”, add more fuel to the burning flame. To prophesy in “tongues” or in our regular language, adds the power of the Spoken Word to the burning flame. We speak in “tongues” to edify ourselves. We prophesy to edify the Church. 1 Corinth 14:1-5. Both are needed now to break through the enemy's strongholds!

God is about to release an enormous power with His divine authority on earth that has never been seen or heard before. This coming explosion of the great move of God, would take many believers and unbelievers by surprise. There, the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, would be demonstrated worldwide without restraints; even the unbelievers would have no choice but to believe. So get ready Saints, for the days of the mighty move of God is here, says the Lord!

By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
REJOICE, O ye Saints! You are the light of the world. The Light of God is in His Word. His Light comes with His glory! His glory comes with His power. His power comes with the revivals of the human spirit. The Word of God is a light to our path and a lamp around our feet! To walk without His presence is to walk in darkness. And how long can a man walk in darkness before he stumbles? In the month of May 2013, I walked side by side with the Lord Jesus as He sobbed profusely and talked to me in my dream and said: "The body of Christ… is losing the soul of America" . We have turned our back to revivals and refused to honor His glory! In my June update, I tried to address the message as little as possible, that I may not offend many! No Time to Count the Coins. A faithful Soldier of the Cross focuses on the tasks ahead of him and not on the offenses! There is no time to count the coins of offense because my heart is firmly set on the gold! The glory of the Risen Christ is the gold, and the gold is the final crown of righteousness waiting for me and you at the finish line. The Bible says: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” . Psalm 33:12. United States, United We Stand, divided we fall! A nation can only win over her enemy when the entire armed forces - Air Force, Marine, Army and the Navy - work together as one. This is what is lacking in the body of Christ! We love our denominations more than His glory! We love our Church programs more than His Word! We celebrate ourselves more than His glory! We pray for everything but revivals of our founding principles! We support everything but revivals of the nation we love! Some of our leaders even refused to oversee young ministries called by God to continue His purpose on earth. If America Takes Christ Out of the Empire… The body of Christ is the soul of America! President Obama is our earthly President and Christ is the Sovereign Ruler! If we take Christ out of the Empire, we may start killing each other in the open streets as people do in the Middle East! What is keeping America together is the love of Christ and His Principles that our Founding Fathers originally stand for. If the soul fails, the body fails! If the body of Christ fails, America fails! Our prayers for our leaders at the White House can change the hearts of our ruling body to favor God in all that our Founding Fathers originally stand for! Jesus Wept Over America! America was not founded on Mohammed or Buddha! America was founded on Christ and His Principles! But we have failed to revive these Principles! For God's sake, we are not in revivals, with tears in His eyes, Jesus looked at me and told me in my dream. The shakeup of America is coming like a river that overflows its bank unless we make a sharp u-turn to the God of our Fathers, says the Lord God Almighty! Jesus loves you, America, but you have turned your back to His glory! The glory of God comes with His eternal Light that enlightens the hearts of men. The Bibles says: "In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of men. The Light shines in darkness and darkness cannot overcome it". John 1:4-5. Where there is light of His glory, darkness must fade away! No glory no Light! And how long can a man walk in darkness before he stumbles? In God We Trust, One Nation Under God! Today, America is the greatest nation on the surface of the earth! America is governed by Constitution founded on Christ's Principles, but her Sovereignty belongs to God! In God We Trust, One Nation Under God, that is our foundation! But “ If the foundations be destroyed , what can the righteous do?” Psalms 11:3 . Going through the pages of history, the Babylonian, Roman and Greek Empires, once rose to power, ruled the world and fell. The latest was Russia, whose about 100 years ago, was the greatest nation on earth. The nation of Russia lost their leading seat in the assembly of the nations because they turned their back to God, persecuted their Christians and converted their big Cathedrals into government buildings. What followed was the glory of God left Russia to United States. The glory of God is about to move again unless the body of Christ prays for the revivals of the human spirits in America. We have drifted away from our foundation, our first love, for so long! We now live as social Christian nation, turn away from the principles of our Founding Fathers who came with a wooden Cross on April 26, 1607, erected the Cross at the coast of Virginia and dedicated America to God. We have broken our Savior's heart. We have not given our time in prayer and money to support revivals! My final note: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself! Peter obeyed the God of the Jews and went to Cornelius's house, an Italian Cohort, to deliver the message of salvation and thereby put an end to circumcision requirement to becoming a Christian in the early church (Acts 10). The body of Christ cannot win America back to God without loving one another! Love fulfills all the Law! Matt 22:36-40 . It is not whom God sent to proclaim revivals, it is not color or race the Lord is looking for; it is His glory over America, His Heritage! Our immediate u-turn to the God of our Fathers will save the day, another civil war, says the Holy One of Israel.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Beloved Saints, How hot is hell and how dark is the grave? Every month, before I write to you, I go three days of fasting and prayer before the Lord and ask Him what I should write to our Partners. In addition to you, Partners, we have more than 5,000 friends on Facebook and the Twitter followers are growing! I must hear from God to write to you every month . During the third week of May, while I was waiting on the Lord, I had a dream in which the Lord Jesus appeared to me walking by my side. What He told me in my dream and the prophecies that followed were not good news. Jesus said: The body of Christ is not in unity..! The Body of Christ is not in revivals! We have not given our time and money to revivals! And we have turned our back to His glory! The church of our Lord Jesus Christ cannot win on the battlefield without His glory! On January 31, 2009, in our Sunday morning service, the Lord said: The power of sins must be broken in the body of Christ before the revivals of fire can take place in the church! BLASPHEMY: A Triple Murder of the Trinity! When a person knowingly denies the truth of the Spoken Word of God, that person not only lies against the Holy Spirit but also against the Son and God the Father. The Holy Spirit calls it Triple Murder of the Trinity! Every time a minister preaches another gospel at the pulpit to fit the fleshly desires, that minister crucifies Christ again on the Cross! Every time a minister refuses to mentor a disciple sent to him or her by God, that minister crucifies Christ again on the Cross! The apostasy, the racial discrimination and witchcraft in the church, the self-centeredness among our church and ministry leaders, and the lack of unity in the body of Christ are few of the problems facing the church today. Jesus said: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind… And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matt 22:37-40. God gave His only begotten Son on the Cross to redeem the world. So God did His part. The gospel of redemption is left for the church to preach on earth. We cannot do it without His love! The church is created to love like God! Love fulfills all the Law! Love is the only way the body of Christ can achieve God’s purpose on earth. I Corinth 13:13; Gal 5:6; Heb 8:7-13; James 2:8-9 Witchcraft In The Church, A Lie the Devil Told! The sins of our former generation have infected the altar of the Living God. It is called witchcraft and familiar spirits! In most cases, we inherited these spirits from our ancestors and after we got saved, we do not know how to get rid of them. The only way to get ride of the generational spirits is to cast them out and come under the precious blood of Jesus. We cannot serve God and Lucifer at the same time! In Exodus 20:2-6, God says : “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep My commandments.” You shall have no other gods beside Me (v.3), gods like witchcraft, familiar spirit, voodoos, god of stones, god of fire, god of snakes, necromancer, black magic, sorcery, fortune teller are all inherited demon spirits of the former generation, and. You shall not make for yourself a graven image (v.4), like statues or images in form of god or goddess that are man-made or hand-crafted and worship by man. Isaiah 40: 18-31 Paul, the Apostle, warns us to walk only by the Spirit: “Now the works of the flesh are plain; fornication, impurity, idolatry, sorcery … I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” Gal. 5:19-24. The point is this: The believers that worship God with these kinds of demons would not hear the Last Trumpet! How Hot Is Hell and How Dark is the Grave! I was told by an old time preacher that the hell is very hot! But how hot is hot? I am sure it is hotter than your microwave oven or your furnace! It is called hell fire, burning with eternal molten sulfur with unquenchable thirsty flame from the bottomless pit prepared by God for Lucifer and her hosts. To the believers who are stubborn , and cruelly obsessed with the spirits of their generation : God says He is tired of your double-minded, your witchcrafts, your sorcery, voodoos, soothsayers, psychic readings and the likes. Jesus is coming very soon. The glory of the End Times, the revival of His power, the revival of the human spirit, is once again come to the body of Christ. We cannot win America back to God without His glory! Revival comes with His glory! To deny His glory is to deny His presence! To deny His presence is to dwell in darkness! But, how long can a man walk in darkness before he stumbles? Can a nation win her enemy without her Navy, Army, Marine and Air force units working together as one? Jesus said: “Lack of unity in the body of Christ” is making the body of Christ loose the fight over the soul of America! It is a Bull and Bear fight! The body of Christ either wins or the devil! Read Ephesians 6:10-18. I am not called to condemn you or the church of the Living God; I am just a mouthpiece of God, crying in the wilderness for the lost souls. We have been saved from hatred and the spirits of the former generation! The body of Christ has been redeemed from the curse of the Law by the precious blood of the Lamb . We come a long way to go back and flunk the test of eternity! Christ Has Redeemed Us from the Curse of the Law Jesus’ blood shed on the Cross is forever washing away our sins. It is His blood that makes atonement for our sins by the reason of Life in it! Revelation 5:2-10 . In the presence of His glory, there is healing, deliverance and restoration! Satan cannot stand the light of His glory. The more we pray for revivals in our churches and homes, the brighter the light becomes. Once again, Christ is calling the body of Christ to revivals, the altar of repentance to confess our sins and receive His forgiveness and His White Robe . Rev. 22:11-15 . Without His eternal White Robe, we cannot resurrect with Him. Selah!
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Beloved Partners of glory, Guess What… Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no healing! Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no resurrection! Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no victory over Satan! Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no forgiveness of sins! Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no victory over death & the grave! Without the blood of the Cross, there will be no Eternal Life! The blood of Jesus carries the Life of Jesus! The Life of Jesus is the Life of God the Father! Now you have it! Go ahead and shout Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! Rom 5:9; Gal 3:13-14; Heb 13:12, 20-21; Rev 12:11; Lev 17:10-11 Christ Makes a New Blood Covenant with Believers The story will forever be told how Pilate sat on his judgment seat and ordered Jesus to be scourged. Jewish Law states that a criminal condemned to death must not be scourged, but Pilate ordered the unlimited scourging to pacify the bloodthirsty Jews. Since Romans Law has no legal limit to the number of stripes a law breaker can get, the scourging of Jesus was more brutal than Jew’s forty stripes. It was a double sentence for Jesus to fulfill Prophet Isaiah’s prophesy of how His Body was broken for many: “ But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed” . Isa 53:5 At the Last Supper, before His crucifixion, Christ seals the New Covenant with His blood. The New Covenant was different from the Ancient and Abrahamic Covenants and the Passover Lamb combined. It was a Blood Covenant made with the Blood of the Lamb! Life of God for Life of all humanity! At the Last Supper, Jesus addressed His disciples this way: “ And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you”. Lk 22:19-20 The Healing Promises of the New Covenant. Now let’s examine some healing promises of the Covenant: “…my body which is given for you…” Lk 22:19 “…Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” Matt 8:17 “…by whose stripes ye were healed”. I Pet 2:24 “…healed them that had need of healing”. Lk 9:11 “…healing all that were oppressed of the devil…” Acts 10:38 “…the prayer of faith shall save the sick…” James 5:15 The New Covenant Ways of Healing. Anoint with oil………………………James 5:14-16 Lay hands on the sick……………….Mark 16:15-18 Anointed aprons and handkerchiefs…Acts 19:11-12 United or Corporate Prayer…………Matt 18:19-20; Lk 9:1-2 Personal Prayer of faith……..............Mark 11:22-24 Gifts of healing……………………...Matt 8:16; John 14:12-14 The Blood of Jesus Carries Life! The blood of Jesus is not Life! It carries Life and Eternity of the Godhead . When you drink a good wine, you know the wine is good by its taste! When you drink the blood of Jesus, you drink the Eternal Life of God the Father in the Son. Christ took the condemnation and curse of sin of all humanity upon Himself. The healing stream of His blood is forever flowing to cleanse the spirit, soul and body of all believers. On the basis of His blood on the Mercy Seat in heaven, the blood of Jesus pleads mercy, forgiveness, pardon, healing, protection, deliverance, joy and peace. The Shekinah glory of God that lighted the darkened room of the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament is now available for every believer. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! Yesterday Left Over is not Acceptable… The redemptive power of the blood of the Cross is renewed every morning because of the faithfulness of God. Sitting at the right hand of God the Father pleading for the Saints, yesterday left over blood is not accepted on the Mercy Seat. It is fresh and full of Life of the Father daily. So go ahead and drink the blood of the Lamb, and eat the flesh of the crucified Savior! It is Holy! It is contagious to the devil! It is called Holy Communion of the Saints! At the Table of the Lord, all our sins are forgiven. At the Mercy Seat of the Lord, all our infirmities are made whole. The point is this: when God sees the blood of the Lamb, He does NOT see the sins of human race. The Holy Spirit answers to the blood of Jesus! The Word (Water) of God answers to the blood of Jesus! Demons, sickness, disease, failure, poverty, sorrow are destroyed when touch by the blood of Jesus! Eph 6:17; Rev 12:11; Heb 12:22-24; I Pet 1:18-19, Gal 3:13; Isa 53:4-5 When you plead the blood of Jesus over your lives and show God that your life and children solely depend on the finished work of the Cross, the blood then speaks mercy on your behalf before the Holy God. Satan cannot stand the blood of Jesus when is pleaded out loud this way. The Bible says: “ And they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”. Rev 12:11 . The blood of Jesus is mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. II Corinth 10:4 Thus the blood of Jesus remains the greatest weapon of the Saints. The blood is the only payment that can make atonement for our souls. Lev 17:11 When I See The Blood… Jesus is our “Passover Lamb” by shedding His precious blood for us on the Cross. I Corinth 5:7. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you”. Exo 12:13 . We are bought with a price! To quickly open the windows of heaven for victory, we must pray the blood of Jesus by faith, and sprinkle it with our lips in every situation we may face. The pleading of the blood itself brings believers victory over Satan, and to a new dimension of power with a new look of glory. Now you know, now you have it! I am not drunk; I am only intoxicated by Christ and the redemptive power in His blood! May the Holy One of Israel, leads us higher to full revelation of the power in His blood. Amen.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Dear friends of the Cross: The foundation of our faith in Christ remains crystal clear that Jesus, was crucified dead, buried, raised again and seen by many. From the bottom of my heart: Happy Easter to you and your family. It is all about Life in the BLOOD of Jesus , and the Eternal Life that He brought to us through His resurrection. Now lets the blood of Jesus speaks for itself: The blood of Jesus has Eternal Life of Godhead in it! It is the Life in His blood that saves and heals our sicknesses! It is the Life in His blood that redeems and washes away our sins! It is the Life in His blood that gives Power to His resurrection from the grave! It is Life unlimited to anything He touches including death, hell and the grave ! Glory is to Him that lives forevermore, the Lord of Hosanna ! Long before His birth, the Prophet Isaiah loudly proclaims to the House of Israel: “ Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with His stripes we are healed” . Isaiah 53:4-5 Carrying the Everlasting Torch of Glory! Under a great cloud of witnesses, over and over again, you are invited to come and carry the e verlasting Torch of glory with us. So I challenge you one more time, ye Soldiers of the Cross, the Sergeants, the Captains, the Majors and the Generals of the army of the Living God, to rouse up and stand with us physically and financially as we celebrate the coming back of the Lord in glory. In December 2009, the Lord commanded us to establish Hosanna Revivals in 12 nations around the globe. How would the Lord feel seeing the multitudes ready for rapture? With your prayers and financial supports, I think the Master will be happy and proudly says: Welcome, good and faithful Soldiers of the Cross! The story of the last visit of Jesus to Jerusalem remains: Getting to the city of Bethpage, at Mt of Olives, Jesus sent two of His disciples: “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with. Loose them and bring them to Me. And if anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them, and immediately he will send them’…So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them. They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them. And a very great multitude spread their garments on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road…they cried out, saying: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest!” Matthew 21:2-9. No Limit to the Glory of Resurrection! The waves of the coming revivals are not ordinary healing waves. It is a special revivals coming with prophetic and celebration waves of God’s divine order that has never been seen in human history, Says the Lord of Hosts! Jesus’ last entry to Jerusalem was to fulfill God’s redemptive purpose for all mankind. He was crucified and buried there three days later: The first night , He conquered all the wounds on His physical Body. Isaiah 53:4-5 The second night , He conquered the world , John 16:33 and The third night , He conquered death and the grave . I Corinth 15:54-57 This is how “Death is swallowed up in victory” forever that you and I can have His Life and have it abundantly! Vs. 3-8, 51-54. Paul, the Apostle, boldly proclaims to the Romans: “If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through His Spirit which dwells in you”. Rom 8:11. To be rapture with Him, the same Spirit of resurrection must dwells in you! There is no limit to the power of resurrection, and so is the Eternal Life therein! It is an ever increasing presence of the power of the Godhead in the Son while on earth, then to Calvary, to His Tomb and to Eternity. Hosanna Revivals is called to prepare the way, and celebrate the Second Coming of Christ in His Glory. Your Giving is More Than a Donkey or Colt! The obedient of the owner of the donkey and the colt at Bethpage, led to the last triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to pay the price for our redemption . The Lord needs your money, your talent, your gold, your diamonds and rubies for His Second Coming. Above all, He needs you, your whole you, the very breath of the Lord God Almighty! Genesis 2:7. In January 2010, the Lord told me to ask 1000 Partners and friends to each give $1000 glory seed to our building funds. Your giving to our building fund is very important to the celebration of the Lord’s coming back! We are yet to get a better building. He counts on you on earth to give and celebrate with us. Would you let Him down? As a Thank You Gift from my heart and all of us at Hosanna Revivals, you would receive a beautiful decorative PLATE with the names and the emblems of the 12 Tribes of Israel imprinted on it. In addition to your gift, your name would be recorded on earth and in the heavenly as one of the pioneers of the greatest End Times revivals the world ever known. Hosanna! Blessed Are You Who Come..! Aren’t you glad that the Lord is calling you to come and participate at the table of His redemption? Jesus’ Second Coming is a typo of the last entry He made into Jerusalem at Bethpage. But this time, He is coming with the heavenly angels in glory to rapture the Church. Would you be there for the Lord? Would you come out and celebrate with us? Again, I ask you, would you be rapture ready by the time the last trumpet is sound? Hosanna to the King of kings! And blessed are you who come in the Name of the Lord! Amen.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Fellow Soldiers of the Cross! From the beginning of creation, there is always something, special, designated to God for His Sovereignty on earth! In the Garden of Eden, He told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, because His Eternal Life is in it! During the Wilderness wondering, God told the people of Israel to offer unto Him, yearly scarifices with non-blemish animals! In the New Testament, He told Israel to worship Him, and bring their full tithes to the storehouse, so there may be meat in His house to meet the needs of His house. Don’t Eat The Forbidden Fruit… The point is this: Don’t eat the forbidden fruit of your Garden, it belongs to God! God created you to have "dominion" of the earth and "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" Gen 1:26-28. In the Garden of Eden, there was no lack then and no lack now! 2:7-14. To open the windows of Heaven and have your need met with "overflowing blessings", is to live in the present day Garden of Eden! Malachi 3:10-12. The forbidden fruit is the 10% of your monthly income. v10. The Tree of Life has the Life of God in it, and so is the fruit (10%) thereof. Gen 2:16-17 Now let’s travel back in time, to the passage of history, when Adam and Eve sinned against God in His Garden. They both ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Life. God counted it against them, rejected them from His presence, and drove them out of the Garden. To be doubly sure they don’t sneak back in at night and eat more fruits, He puts an Angel with a flaming sword to guard the entrance of the Garden of Eden. Gen 3:22-24 For I Am The Lord, I Change Not… What a smart God He is, even to protect His interests from Satan on earth. In the last Book of the Old Testament, He told the house of Israel these Words: “ For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed…Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation”. Mal 3:6-9. To rob God at gun point, of His 10%, is to break the Covenant of Malachi 3:10! Malachi 3:10 is His means of multiplication of His Garden on earth to meet your need and the need of His Sanctuary! You see, God can not multiply His Garden on earth without His 10%! To bless you with an “overflowing blessings”, in His Garden on earth, is a Covenant between Him and His creations! You are in charge of His creations! Your Garden of Eden is your portion on earth! Your portion on earth includes your spouse, children, house, car and everything that belongs to you, except His 10%! God Created You to Have Dominion On Earth. In Genesis 1:26-30, God made it clear that He created you in His own “image, after our likeness” to have “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth…” The deal cannot be better than that! The blessings upon mankind to look like God, think like God, create like God and have “dominion” over all His creation is endless. You see, God gave away all His five days of creations to mankind to rule and reign over on earth while He watches from Heaven! He puts man in charge of all the luxury of His creations including “the good Land…where there is gold…bdellium and onyx stone”. Gen 2:10-14. Again, God created you and me to control His wealth on earth. All He is asking us to do is to fellowship with Him in person with our tithes and offerings. No Lack Then, No Lack Now! In Genesis 2:7-14, God, again, made it clear that in His earthly Garden of Eden, there is no lack at all. All the daily needs of Adam and Eve were met without reproaching. In Malachi 3:10-12, God commanded the house of Israel to: “ Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts”. Thus God’s Covenant of Malachi 3:10-12 remains! There is no lack in the Garden of Eden in His presence then; there is no lack during the Wilderness wondering, and there is no lack now, says the Lord God Almighty! To open the windows of Heaven, to your life and business on earth, requires that you do your part of the Covenant written in Malachi 3:10. God says: “Heaven is my Throne, and the earth is my footstool…” Acts 7:49 The whole earth is God’s Garden of Eden! The more praises, tithes and offerings you offer to Him, the more He expands His Garden in your life and on earth! Your Garden, your portion, called inheritance, is only a slice of His entire earthly Garden on earth! God Has Corporations On earth. God’s Heavenly wealth came with His creations! The only way He can multiply and use it on earth is to use you to cultivate His Garden. Let’s take a look at a corporation that makes a yearly budget. From the budget stand point, the corporation orders raw materials, hire workers and buys machinery necessary to produce its products. The products are sold worldwide to make money, not just enough to balance the book, but also surplus to maintain the building, increases workers salary and open more locations. Where do you think the earthly corporation gets its idea if not from God? In the Heavenly, God does not need your money! On earth, He needs the 10% of your income to run His Corporation, called church or ministry. Your tithes and offerings provide for the Priests, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists and all the workers of the House of God. The light, water, phone bills, mortgage payment and building maintenance are paid monthly, and if there are any leftover, foreign missions are taking care off. Now judge for yourself! Does God deserve a House to fellowship with His chosen people on earth? Do His bills need to be paid in time? If you ask me: If a corporation pays its bills, and then you pay your bills, God deserves His 10% to pay His Bills! Saints of God, that is all God is asking for, anything else is secondary! The Bottom-line: God’s Historic Fellowship Remains! You see, at the beginning of creation, in the Garden of Eden, God comes at the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam and Eve. During the Wilderness wondering of Israel, He dwells in the Tent of meeting with cloud by day and fire by night to lead His people. In our days, He dwells in our hearts with His Spirit. His pre-historic fellowship at creation still remains! Wherever the people of God meet, the idea of fellowship is still the same! Fellowship brings us closer to other believers in the presence of a Holy God! Our closeness to God brings relationship! Our relationship with Him brings His presence! God’s presence brings His anointing upon us for His service on earth!
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Beloved Saints of glory: We are going deeper this month to the revelation and the mystery in the blood of the Lamb, as the only provision to remove all the curses of the Law: The curses at the Garden of Eden; the curses upon Cain; the curses of worshipping graven images; the curses at Mount Ebal; the curses of disobedience and the curses of breaking the Law of Love, the Golden Rule. The Lord spoke to me on day nine (January 9, 2013) of our 12 Days of fasting and prayers for the 12 Nations, that many of His Saints are living under the curse of the Law. For them to be freed and rapture ready, they must come under the blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ! The Generational Curses! It all began in the Garden of Eden! Adam and Eve sinned against the God of Heaven! They ate the fruit of the tree that has the Life of God in it. To eat the friut of the Tree of Life is to live eternally like God! Eternal God, Eternal Reign, Eternal Life, all is included in the Tree of Life! Adam and Eve fell in the Garden, and curses were placed on the Deceiver called Satan, on Adam and Eve and on the ground. This was the beginning of human misery on earth. (Gen 2 & 3) Added to the misery of mankind, are the curses placed on Cain after he killed his brother. The first murder on earth took place because of jealousy and covetousness. (Gen 4:4-16). In Deuteronomy 28:15-68, a total of 78 curses were pronounced by God upon the children of disobedience to the Law of God . The curses at Mount Ebal were pronounced upon the worshippers of graven images, incest, molesters, and perverts (Deut 27:11-26). God vowed to take vengeance upon idols worshippers, by visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Him. (Exo 20:4) The curses of breaking the Law of Love, the Golden Rule of God, were added to the luggage by Jesus Himself! To hate another person, created in God’s image, is to hate God who created him. This is the greatest sin a person can commit against a Holy God. (Matt 22:36-40). The Redemption without the Blood of the Lamb! No wonder, in our days, we have family trees with Doctors, Lawyers, Educators and business people who continue to live well and prosper down the family lines up to the “third and fourth generation”. Exo 20:4-6 . On the other hand, we have families that continue to triumph from hatred to poverty and to jail houses, from sickness to drug and alcohol addictions, from molestation to incest and to reprobate minds from generation to generation! Who can redeem the fallen Adam without the blood of the Lamb; let him raise up his hand? Who can break the generational shackles, and curses on the fallen humanity without the blood of the Lamb, let him step forward? In the Old Testament, God dwells in the Tent of Meeting; just the same way He dwells in the Garden of Eden. Whoever sins against God must die or be driven out of His Presence; just the same way it was done in the Garden of Eden. Animals were sacrificed to replace the lives of the sinners. Lev 17:10-11 Over the Tabernacle of Meeting , the Presence of God was marked with cloud by day and fire by night. Deut 1:33 . The routine yearly sacrifices were cheap and serve as temporary redemption of mankind. God needs eternal redemption of the fallen Adam, and for Him to do that, He offers His only begotten Son, Jesus, as the final and ultimate sacrifice for all humanity. Joh 3:16 Confession And Sacrifices Won’t Remove the Curse! Simple repentance of the contagious sins like murder, witchcraft, sorcery, familiar spirit, will not do it without the blood of the Lamb! The Lamb is not cheap, and so is His blood! It costs God everything! The Bible says: “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” . John 3:16. The blood of bull, pigeon and goat are not good enough to redeem mankind from all the curses of the Law of God! You see, to live under the curses of the Law, you don’t have to be cursed by anyone. The curses of Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy were already spoken and established by God forever. They are ready to be activated from generation to generation until someone along the lineage breaks loose and come under the blood of the Lamb! The blood of Jesus has divine power to break all the curses! The practice of witchcraft, sorcery, and familiar spirit in a family tree cannot be broken by prayer and fasting without the blood of the Lamb! It’s The Blood of Jesus That Redeems! God, in His eternal mercy, made a covenant with His Son, Jesus Christ, to offer His blood on the Cross as the final payment for the sins of human race. It is the blood of Jesus that redeems and justifies the sinners as if they have never sinned before! It is the blood of Jesus that cleanses and washes away our sins! It is the blood of Jesus that makes sinners become God’s properties again! It is the blood of Jesus that gives believers eternal peace and salvation! Now if you believe what the Spirit is saying, then, stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah to the Lamb of God! Rom 5:9, 6:23; Gal 3:13, 14; Eph 1:7; Col 1:20; Heb 13:12, 20, 21; I Joh 1:7; Rev 1:20, 12:1. Now I think I have so many claims on my plate already, so lets the Holy Spirit justifies His claims: Jesus Christ was conceived by the manifestation of God Himself in the womb of Mary, and not by the sperm of man. The sperm of man is sinful and corrupt by the Adamic nature. The conception of Jesus is divine, and this is the reason Jesus cannot sin, even if He tries to, because He is God living in man with men on earth. Because Jesus was sinless, He was able to resurrect from His grave. Because of His divine nature, He was able to speak with immediate manifestation like God did in the Days of Genesis. Now By the Reason of Life in Jesus’ Blood… For by the reason of Life in the blood of Jesus, we have total victory over sins, Satan and all curses! Jesus cannot die because there is no death in Him! He is Life now and Eternal Life thereafter! The Tree of Life at the Garden of Eden, the Ark of the Covenant, all the Law and the Torah, are inside of the Living Christ! Whoever believes in Him has the Life of God in him or her. And whoever has Life can now enter the former Garden of Eden, and lives eternally with God. The only problem confronting all humanity is his sinful nature, the nature of Adam that brought death and curses upon him at the beginning. To break these curses and be rapture ready, God said that believers must come under the blood of His Son. Death and damnation are the treasures of Hell! Witchcraft, sorcery and familiar spirit are the treasures of the Lake of Fire! If you are ruled by any of these generational spirits, I beg of you, go to your Pastor, confess it and ask him to apply the blood of Jesus and cast it out of you. You see, that is better than going to Hell and Eternal damnation! My brothers and sisters, the only way you can hear the last trumpet is to be indwelled and ruled by the Holy Spirit. To have the Holy Spirit living in you, is to have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit residing in your heart. The Holy Spirit is your Eternal Passport to Heaven, the hope of glory! Amen.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Beloved Saints, Happy New Year, and many blessed returns to you in 2013! I have a heavenly debate with God, for over two hours, on my bed, on the night of December 22, 2012, asking Him why there is gay marriage in our generation. This came about after I received an email two weeks before, and then, a friend asked me on the phone the night before: “Do you believe in gay marriage?” No! Capital No To Infinity! I do not believe in gay marriage! Hosanna Revivals do not believe in gay marriage! Hosanna International Miracle Center does not believe in gay marriage! The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob does not believe in gay marriage! At creation, in Genesis 1:27-28, the Scripture says “ Male and female, He created them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”. To fill the earth and subdue it, a man and a woman must sleep together and make babies! The animal kingdom does the same thing – a male cow and a female cow mate together to reproduce their kind, a baby called calf. Look at the reproductive features of a woman, organs like breast, womb, ovaries and virginal; they are uniquely different from male organs like scrotum and penise. So help me God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob does not believe in gay marriage, if He does He would not have created Adam and Eve to multiply and populate the earth to continue His Heritage on earth. Your Wife Is Your Help Meet. In Genesis 2:18, the Scripture says: “And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him“ . God created a woman, not just for His pleasure to praise Him, and reproduce to continue His generation on earth, but also as a “help meet” to a man created in His image! Gen 1:26 . You see, a man is created to lust and be attracted to a woman, his “ help meet” , his wife, one woman : “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”. Gen 2:21-25 As you can see above, God created one Adam and one Eve, not Adam and Adam, not Eve and Eve, and not one Adam and many Eves! In a Mathematical term, it is Ratio 1:1. That is 1+1 = 2. Adam + Eve = Generation. To be a “help meet” is to help the other person achieve his or her task. King Solomon puts it this way: “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken”. Eccl 4:9-12 For This Reason…A Man Cleaves To His Wife! The reason a woman is so attractive to a man is because she was part (a rib) of a man from the Days of Creations. Gen 2:21-25. She was created to be loved and adored by man, not as his slave, but as a “help meet”, to love God, and reproduce themselves and make families for God on earth. So my friend, God is a family God. He loves human race so much to say “These are the generations of Noah…” Gen 6:9; and to reaffirm Himself again, “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations…”. Matt 1:17. The generation of Adam and Eve, that God started in Genesis, continues all the way to the lineage of David, Christ, the Jews, the Greek, the Romans, the Egyptians and to the entire Gentiles world. Now if you believe what the Holy Spirit is saying, stand on your feet and shout Hallelujah! Children Are The Heritage Of The Lord… The Institution of Marriage is created by God to continue His Heritage on earth. God has not changed His mind. In Psalms 127:3, God, again, made His intentions very clear when He says: “Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward“. Behold, to have children is to continue God’s Heritage on earth! All children belong to God! All children carry the “breath” of God! Gen 2:7. God is a family God! The only way God can continue His Heritage on earth is through the womb of a woman who carries the “seed” of life. Man is created to plant the “seed” a woman carries with the help of his "penis" and "sperm" in the womb of a woman. Without the help of a man, the "seed" (Egg) becomes a waste! To reproduce is God’s nature. The ovaries of a woman and the sperm of a man are created for the ultimate duplication of human race on earth. We are created in God’s image, after the likeness of God, to “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion” over His creation on earth. Gen 1:26-28 Now, let’s go back to the question asked: “Do you believe in gay marriage?” No, I do not believe in gay marriage and neither God! My Dad slept with my Mama, and that was how I was born, I mean naturally born. Now, if God believes in gay marriage, why will He create all these beautiful women in our generation? And if He happens to make mistake at the beginning of creation, what are we going to do with all the women already created? You see, God is far from imperfection, and only God can create such unique differences and details in a man and a woman. Thus Shall The Man Be Blessed Who… In Psalms 128:1-4, the Scripture says: “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in His ways. For thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table. Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord”. Here are seven blessings, placed on the table by God, for a man that fears Him and walks in His ways. It cannot be better than that! The Bible says “ thy wife” will be like “a fruitful vine” within your house. That is a great promise of divine multiplication from God. God’s intention of rapid multiplication of human race on earth, through a man and a woman, from the beginning of creation, is again, made very clear! God cannot lie with His Words. It is Satan that perverted the heart of man all the way from the Garden of Eden. He deceived Adam and Eve, to go against God’s divine institution of marriage on earth. Marriage is the only natural way God uses to replenish the earth! Marriage is of God! Marriage is honored by God, as a holy and divine institution, created for a man and a woman to sleep together, have sex, and reproduce their kinds, called children. Now, it cannot be explicit more than that! So help me God! Now don’t hate me for talking about gay marriage! The Lord told me to remind this generation of His Words, concerning marriage as a union between a man and a woman on earth, and I have done so. Thank God, the bloods of many souls are no longer in my hands! The 12 Days of Fasting and Prayer for the 12 Nations! The count-down to January 1, 2013, has begun! The race to the altar of grace, the 12 DAYS of fasting and prayer for the 12 NATIONS , starting January 1-12, that we do each year since 2009, is here. Starting from 12 midnight of Monday, December 31, 2012 to 6 pm Saturday, January 12, 2013, Hosanna Revivals will be fasting and praying for the revivals of the 12 NATIONS as ordered by the Lord! The nations are: America, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, China, Japan, Russia, Germany, Spain and Great Britain! Please join us! May God bless you for standing in the gap of redemption! Prayer is Revival! Prayer changes things! Prayer makes things happen! II Chro 7:14. We want to expand our prayer time to prayer sessions, 24/7, in 2013. This will open the door for people of various professions to come and pray for themselves and others at their own spare time. The only way we can do this is to get a better and bigger building. Please consider a big donation to our building funds through our website: www.hosannarevivals.org , or by mail to Hosanna Revivals, P.O.Box 134, Rex Georgia 30294. Again, thank you for your prayers and financial supports. Now and again, may the glory of the Risen Christ, covers you as the water covers the seas. Amein.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Beloved Partners of grace, There is an ongoing radical transformation in my life! I finally found out, the closer I walk with Jesus, the more He reveals Himself to me, His glory, His love, His power and His compassion that now dominated me. Surprisingly, the more I walk in His love, the more compassion I have for others, and the more I forgive others for the wrong done to me. So I give Him all the glory! The Creative Power of Genesis Few months ago, the Lord spoke to me to tell the Body of Christ to get ready to walk in the creative power of Genesis. This is the power God told me He is going to use for the final End Times revivals on earth. Jesus, in his earthly ministry, performed 37 miracles by the power of the Spoken Word. He never prays in any of the miracles. He simply speaks what he heard the Father God says. To me, that is marvelous! In Jesus’ own Word, “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”. John 14:12. The day of “greater works” has finally arrived. It’s been a long journey through the wilderness of faith. It is time to enjoy the fruits of faith, and see the Tsunami God’s power of creation! And now that I am turned on, I can barely wait to see the miraculous in this ongoing revival. I mean to see the blinds see, lames walk, families restore, businesses prosper, not just in the lives of the few, but millions! Hallelujah! The Transforming Power of Love So I am inviting you to join me at the banquet table of the Lord to partake in the miraculous power of God as He did in the Days of creation. One important thing the Lord told me to remind you is this: Faith worketh by love. Gal 5:6, For you and I to operate in the Eternal creative power of God, we have to go through a divine transformation of God’s love. In my case, I discovered the true nature of God’s love that never fails, fades, obsolete or comes to an end. God’s love is renewed every morning! Great is thy faithfulness! God is love, love is God! Love is not fretful, resentful, hateful or touchy or takes ten years accounts of the evil done to him. God’s love seeks not his own end. Love is God’s nature, the nature He imparted into all His creation both living and none living. For the Scripture says “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”. Gen2:7. When you truly understand the divine Law of Love, then your faith can truly release the divine Code that is embedded in God’s Word. It is the Code that brings the creative power of God to the table of the miraculous! Once you fulfill the Law of Love, you only need to speak the Spoken Word like God did in Genesis, and momentarily, the abiding creative Code is released into operation, then, miracle follows. This was how Jesus performed 37 miracles during His earthly ministry. Please, Forgive Them All! For your faith to work like God’s Faith in His Word, you must forgive them all! I mean all of them that ever offended you. Your enemies, your grandma, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law, your boyfriends, your girlfriends, the boy that stole your bike, the man that stole your credit cards, the friends that forsake you, forgive them all! The only hindrance, you and I may have that may limit the flow of this creative power of God’s creation is unforgiveness! Divine love is what you and I need to operate in the miraculous! Human love cannot do it because it has no divine Code of God’s Spoken Word in it. The Code only comes with the Spoken Word already spoken and established in the heavenly. We are created in the image and likeness of God, to speak like God, and establish His Word on earth. Against Such There Is No Law! To fulfill the Commandment of Love, you must walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will make it easy for you to love like God loves. Human love is flesh love! Divine love is God’s Eternal love! To walk in the power of the Holy Spirit is to walk in the power of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. Gal 5:22. Of all the fruits of the Spirit, Love is the greatest (I Corinth 13), the Master Key, you and I need to unlock the doors of joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance in our lives and others. You see, if you fail in love, your faith won’t work. You would find it difficult to produce the rest of the eight fruits of the Spirit. But, once you pass the test of love, there is no Law that can accuse you of any wrongdoings or bear witness against you before God, because you already fulfill the Law. The Golden Rule To The Miraculous! Again, to walk in the Spirit is to walk in love! In Matthew 22: 34-40, a Pharisees lawyer, asked Jesus: ” Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets”. Jesus fulfilled all the Law to operate like God did in the Days of Genesis. The Law is made for the Lawless person! Galatians 5:19-21 says: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings...”, are the results of breaking the Law of Love. For instance, if you love your neighbor as yourself, you would not steal her property or kill his dog. Love is the Golden Rule to the miraculous! Love is the fulfilling of the Law of God! Rom 13:10. Love, The Master Key To Divine Authority Well, you might as well ask me at this point: What percentage of love do I really need to operate in the miraculous of God on earth? My first prescription is 1000% love! Love until your life turn to love! The more you love what God created, the more God loves you, and the more His power and blessings come on you! For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, as a Lamb to be slaughtered for all humanity. If you ask me, I think that is more than 1000% love! You see, Satan, the ruler of this present world, came to hate, steal and destroy . Satanic power like magic, sorcerers, and witchcrafts are the works of darkness, and those that works with them must dwell in darkness, and operate in darkness to satisfy their Master Lucifer. On the other hand, God is love, and love is light. To operate like God did in the Days of Genesis, you must dwell and walk in love and in the light of His Word. Joh 1:1-5. The Bottom line: To operate like God did in the Days of Genesis, you and I must love like God loves, walk like God walks, see like God sees, then and only then; we can speak like God speaks at creation. God wants to use you mightily for “greater works” as He promised, but you can not do it in the flesh, living in hate! Love is the Master Key! No matter what happens, love will prevail! I Corinth 13:4-13
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Dear Precious Partners, Prophet Rick Joyner prophesied about Hosanna Revivals coming to Jonesboro, Georgia, in The MorningStar eNewsletter, the third week the Lord led me to Jonesboro to start Hosanna Revivals in 1992. In the October 2012 issue of The MorningStar eNewsletter, Prophet Joyner, again, spoke about the coming Revival of fire: “The fire that has been started may yet be small, and you have to be in the right place, looking in the right direction to see it, but it has begun to burn. Over the coming years, we can expect revivals to break out in various places around the world. Miracles are going to be wrought that will make news around the world, and nations will be saved in a day”. Follow this link : http://www.morningstarministries.org/resources/word-week/2012/revival-coming-path-life-part-36?utm_source=The+MorningStar+Ministries+eNewsletter&utm_campaign=79f2379906-eNewsletter_October_24_2012&utm_medium=email to read “Revival Is Coming”. The 12 Silos of the Lord! Hosanna Revivals is called to LIGHT The Torch of Glory in 12 Nations around the globe! These nations represent The 12 Tribes of Israel, The 12 Silos of the Lord, The 12 Barns of the Lord God Almighty! They are to proclaim the soon coming of the Lord Jesus in our generation! The nations are listed on our website: [INSERT URL HERE] and prayed over daily. Read Revelation Chapter 7 If you feel Called to join us in person, in any capacity, please let us know. We are looking for talented youths to join Hosanna Youth Musicals: [INSERT URL] We are also looking for Volunteers, Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, Prayer Warriors and ministry workers to conduct our daily revivals in all the 12 Nations. We are also asking Billionaires and Millionaires worldwide to come forward and sponsor some of our End Time programs like Hosanna Youth Musicals, Hosanna Museum, Hosanna Music Hall and Hosanna Movie Theaters (Christian Movies only). The Creative Power of Genesis Now let’s talk about the creative power of God in the Days of Genesis, the power God promised to release on the planet earth during this revival. This is the power God used at the beginning of creation when He said: “Let there be light’, and” momentarily “there was light”. Gen 1:3. The power of Genesis is a creative power that comes into operation when the Spoken Word of God is spoken in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the power Jesus used to perform 37 miracles in His three years of ministry. Whatever He heard God the Father says, He says it, and momentarily it happens. Read John 2:1-11; 6:16-21; Matthew 8:1-4; 9:1-8; 12:9-14; Mark 4:35-41; 5:1-20; Luke 9:10-17; 7:1-10. In John 14:12, Jesus said: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater worksthan these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”. The Days of “Greater Works Shall He Do” is Here! Many times in the last two years, I specifically told some of our friends that the day is near when believers would declare a whole city saved; the glory of the Lord will be so strong that the whole city will start coming to the altar to get save. I also saw in the spirit realm, the sick people in a Hospital are declared heal, and all the sick start coming out of their sick-beds. Glory! In the past years, in our church, I followed the routine and the laid down principles of the Spoken Word for praying for the sick by anointing them with Olive Oil, and sometimes took Holy Communion with them, and eight people were healed of various forms of cancers! In this revival, the Lord said that we may not have to go through the routines. The “Tsunami” waves of His glory are coming with greater prophet authority and greater power of the Spoken Word. We just have to speak the Word to activate the Genesis power of creation! So help me God! The Tsunami Waves of His Glory! The “Tsunami” waves of His glory are coming! I hear the sounds loud and clear! So Fishers of men, young and old, male and female, get ready for deep ocean fishing of souls worldwide! The Fishing Boat is almost ready. The Captain of the Boat, the Lord Jesus, is long ready, walking up and down the deck! O ye Soldiers of the Cross, where art thou! The Lord Jesus is calling you! And I am asking you; let’s go fishing with the Master! From the Atlantic Ocean to the Orient, and across the Pacific, and all around the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, let the Trumpets of glory sound, for the salvation of the Lord God is fully come, says the Lord God Almighty! Read Isaiah 62:8-12 They Were All Together in One Place! Once again, Hosanna Revivals is asking for your financial supports! Billionaires and Millionaires, now is your time to bless the Lord of glory with your money! I am talking of your green Dollars! Your gift is not like any other donations you have made to many needy organizations in the past; it is your glory seed, labeled with your name from heaven, for the Kingdom of God! So blessed are you and your glory seed for the King of kings! Matt 21:9 Again, the daily prayer for revivals continues. The prayer, worship, and teaching of the Spoken Word would bring down the fire. Inside the fire lie His glory and His healing power that would eventually spread across the globe, says the Lord God Almighty! Besides your giving, Hosanna Revivals is extending a royal invitation to you to come and pray with us, and see the “Tsunami” waves of His glory for yourself! Now if you have a vacant church or property we can use in Atlanta area, please give it to the Lord. Alternatively, if you have such building for sale, and you can give us six months to raise the money, by God’s divine grace, we will raise the money and pay off the property! And I close with this: “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”. Acts 2:1-4 May the Lord Jesus, bless you and your eternal glory gifts to His Kingdom! Amen.
By Charles Alimi 19 Feb, 2018
Dear Partners in glory! This is the MOST difficult update I have ever written to you. Due to the sensitive nature of what I saw and heard in my dream many years ago, the Call of God to pray for revival, I never like to share the details with anyone. I am too far gone to look back or get discouraged. My soul cannot deny His Presence, and my spirit cannot deny His Name! So Satan lose again, and again and again! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God. God Controls History! Throughout the Old Testament, history repeated itself of how God intervened with the affairs of the house of Israel. Two of the repeated interventions of God were the stopping of the drought and the locust from eating up their Land. Drought, recession and locust are types of plagues! When locust eats the fields, the whole vegetation including the grass, the trees, the crops are eaten dead. In the same manner, when drought hits a land, the whole vegetation, the cattle, the goat, the sheep and the crops are scorched dead. Amos 4:7 reminds us one of God’s interventions: "And I also withheld the rain from you when there were yet three months to the harvest; I would send rain upon one city, and send no rain upon another city; one field would be rained upon, and the field on which it did not rain withered". The Current Drought was Foretold! God cannot do anything on earth without making His Will known. Here is what I wrote in Hosanna Historical Journal back in 1986: “On March 18, 1986 I had a dream of the oncoming droughts. In my dream, I was walking through the parking lot of a large shopping center. Of all the stores at the center, only two remained opened while others were closed. I asked the Lord: How can all these stores closed? The Lord Jesus, audibly, spoke back to me: ‘Go now and pray for revival and when revival comes, it shall break the drought”. This marked my humble beginning, the Call of God, a great burden, to pray for revivals in America. Over the years, we pray for revival in all our services! We pray for the White House, our business leaders, economy, sick and homeless people, ourselves, and as the Holy Spirit leads us. Because of God’s faithfulness to His Word, from March 18, 1986 to this morning, there is no day that I do not pray for revivals in America and around the world. My passion for revivals has become a vital part of my life, my daily routine, my bread, my love and my hope. Go Now And Pray for Revival And When Revival Comes..! Yes, Hosanna Revivals was greatly attacked by the enemies, but God prevailed! The greatest revival ever known to mankind is knocking on our doors. Now one thing I guarantee you, as we go deeper into celebrating His glory, the drought will stop and the recession will be over! You ask me, how can you categorically say that? I say that to say this: God stands by His Word to fulfill it! God is a God of History. If He has mercy on Israel in the Old Testament, He will have mercy on us if we call on Him. If He healed eight people with different forms of cancers in our Church in the past, He will heal 10,000 more if we call on Him. Glory! Here is what God told the house of Israel in 2 Chronicles 7: 14: “If my people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. The recent drought’s report from the State of Texas, spoke a mouthful of the damage already done by the present progressive drought: “Drought killed 300 million trees in Texas in 2011”. Here is the link to read the whole story: http://stateimpact.npr.org/texas/2012/09/25/the-final-numbers-are-in-over-300-million-trees-killed-by-the-texas-drought/ . Prayer Changes Things! Prayer Makes Things Happen! Saints of God, your daily prayers for revivals in America is needed than ever! The revival God is asking for is our coming back to our first Love. We prayed for rain, but we only got the dews. We need the rain of His blessings upon our lives! The State of Texas needs physical rain from heaven! The individual landowners in Texas, the wheat and corn farmers of the Mid-West, and the business owners across the nation need rain! Do you ever ask anyone why the grocery costs so much now a day? That is the result of the drought eating up our Land. We, the believers, are empowered by God to stand in the gap, and pray to God to stop the drought! Our prayers will bring the rain and the wisdom of God we need to do it right, not just in America, but all around the globe! Revival takes its root from the Latin Word meaning: to live again, to receive again a life which has almost expired; to rekindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished! Revival is the process of bringing somebody back to life, or full strength! The Bible calls it the Later Rain of glory! Indeed, it is an urgent call to repentance of our sins and turn from our wicked ways. It is our obedience to this call that will bring us to the altar of grace. As soon as we arrive at the altar of His grace, the mercy of God will show up and rain will follow. God Answered the Prayers of Elijah on Mount Carmel! In I Kings 18: 36-39, we read about a similar drought that came upon the house of Israel during the reign of King Ahab. Prophet Elijah confronted Israel of worshipping the god of Asherah brought by Jezebel from Northern Israel. Israel apostasy brought the drought upon the Land of Israel. On Mount Carmel, God demonstrated His faithfulness to Israel by the consuming fire from heaven that burnt the sacrifice of Elijah! What followed the consuming fire was the heavy downpour that forever ended the three and half years of drought! Would the God of history repeats history in our generation? Would the Holy One of Israel hears our petitions for rain and answers our prayers with fire and abundance of rain? That is why I am writing you this letter. I sincerely ask you to pray for revivals in America daily! Hosanna Revivals needs a larger prayer center to invite you and our friends all over the world to come in and pray with us. It is called revivals, a divine visitation of God upon His people! Be Glad, O Sons of Zion, and Rejoice in the Lord… There is no way we can lose out. God wants to renew our minds, stop the drought and bless our Land again! Again, would you rise up today and stand with us by giving generously to our building funds? And would you go to the byways and highways and tell everyone that the Holy One Israel is waiting for them at the altar of His mercy? And I close with this, a promise of God to Israel: “ Be glad, O sons of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord, your God; for He has given the early rain for your vindication, He has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before. The threshing floors shall be full of grain; the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. I will restore to you the years which the swarming locust has eaten…You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you". Joel 2:23-26
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