Dear friends of Glory:
How do you turn Bible Word to Living Word of God?
Saints of God, two months ago, while reading a report on Nissan LEAF, the Lord Jesus, clearly spoke to me:"This is the CAR of the future". Few days later, I was invited to come and test-drive Nissan LEAF 100% electric car at Atlantic Station here in Atlanta. Truly, Nissan LEAF 100% Electric car is quite an innovation! GM, Chrysler, Ford, Toyota all are heading to the frontier of 100% Elcetric cars. Now this a divine prophetic secret – drive one and buy gas no more is the way of the future! Would you kindly follow this link to watch the video and vote for me: May God richly bless you for your vote! Amen.
The Creative Power in the Glory Cloud!
During Jesus earthly ministry, speaking the Living Word of God in the power of the Spirit is always the way of the Master! Every miracle follows the power of the Spoken Word!
In the Old Testament: The Spirit of Glory spoke into the Glory cloud in Genesis 1:3: "Let there be light, and there was light". In Exodus 33:12-23, God covered Moses face with His Hand while He passed by, and removed His Hand to let Moses sees His back. In Isaiah 6:1-7, Prophet Isaiah “saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up” in His Glory waiting to anoint his mouth to speak the oracle of God.
The Shekinah Glory of God appeared above the Tabernacle for 40 years in form of cloud by day and fire by night to show God’s loyalty, His visible presence and protection over Israel.
In the New Testament: In Matthew 17:1-8, Jesus transfigured Himself in the Glory cloud of the father before Peter, James and John. In Revelation 1:9-18, Jesus again transfigured Himself before Apostle John on Mount Patmos to give him the message to the seven churches.
T o speak like God did in Genesis 1:3-24, is to activate the creative power of His Glory!
Thank God for Glory , and
thank God for the power given to the Son!
For through the Son and the Holy Spirit, we can speak like God!
So in the Presence of His Glory, we speak to the Glory cloud,
miracles happen; instantaneous healing and deliverance take place,
because in His Presence,
darkness and sickness can not stand. Hallelujah!
Definition of Revivals from Charles Dictionary!
Revivals go hand-in-hand with the Glory of God! Revivals starts with A Call to Prayer; A Call to Repentance; A Call to Confession of our sins before the Almighty God; A Call to Forsaking our wicked ways , and finally A Call to making a complete U-turn unto God’s ways of Righteous living through the power of the Holy Spirit!
My friends, you can’t buy that with money! In Charles Dictionary, this I call a Resurrected Life in action with a Recreated Spirit for a R e created P ur pose to live and flourish again! Now if you believe that, stand up on your feet and shout Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
The Revivals of the Glory of God!
A Resurrected life is a recreated spirit thatbegins within you at the altar of repentance. Repentance is confessing our sins plus forsaking our old ways and making an ultimate u-turn from our wicked ways unto God. In a Revival setting, genuine repentance, prayers and praises always bring the Glory down to the people as follows:
The Price for Freedom.
The current Flame of Freedom burning in the Middle East may continue for a long time. Kuwait and Iraq are currently drinking the wine of Freedom. Would they all be free? Sure, the Flame is spreading fast, and so no one can stop it but pray for peace . The point is this: The people have tasted Freedom! The people want to be free! Please pray for PEACE in the Middle East!
March Prayer Fest!
Hosanna Founders Club of America!
1000 Partners to give $1000 Glory Seed towards our $1million building fund. Are you ready to be blessed by God of Glory ?
Your building would stand on its feet till the Lord appears in Glory!
You can start your giving on a monthly basis, and when you reach $1000 mark, your Hosanna Founders Club gift shown to me in the Third Heaven would be shipped to you. A very convenient way to plant your monthly Glory Seed is through our secured website: . Please plant your seed today; we desperately need a bigger building.
Now may the Lord be with you, glorify Himself in you, your finances and your children to the third and fourth generation. Amen.