Hosanna Revivals
Because  Jesus  lives,  you  shall  live  also!  John 14:19

The History of Hosanna Revivals

Hosanna Revivals was founded on an audible heavenly Voice of God "Hosanna" spoken to the Founder Rev. Charles Alimi, on October 20, 1989. The same name "Hosanna" was confirmed with "Isaiah 62" through the same audible Voice three days later. 


A further confirmation was received a year and a half later in a dream of a golden Sanctuary in The Third Heaven. In the dream, Rev. Charles was lifted from his bed in a heavenly elevator that ascended far, and far heavenward until he reached a golden Sanctuary, built of gold inside out. He walked into it, and saw three golden scrolls rolled individually laying upon the altar with the Words: "Authority” , “Revivals” , and “Healing” inscribed inside of each scrolls respectively. This was how Hosanna Revivals came to bear its name.


The Prayer for the Revivals of the Human Spirits

Hosanna Revivals is called to pray for the revivals of the human spirits in America and around the globe.  In John 14:19, Jesus said: “Because I live you shall live also!” . This is what the Lord told us to share with you, the very message of His resurrection power, the very foundation of Hosanna Evangelistic Ministries.

Hosanna Revivals, Inc was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the State of Georgia, USA on April 24, 1998. We are nondenominational. The invitation to pray is extended to every believer from all creeds and races. We are called to pray for the End Time God’s glorious outpouring of His Spirit in America and around the world as foretold in the Book of Joel 2:28-29:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Even upon the menservants and maidservants in those days, I will pour out my spirit".

Jesus Is Coming Again!

The Communion of the Saints

The Prayer for Mercy!

God is calling Americans to the altar of Repentance and Grace to receive a fresh anointing for the imminent Return of the Lord. The hour is finally here! The hour of your victory, the final roll call, to welcome the King coming in glory.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Hosanna Revivals:


  • Because the Lord has anointed Hosanna,
  • To preach good tidings to the poor;
  • He has sent Hosanna to heal the brokenhearted,
  • To proclaim liberty to the captives,
  • And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
  • To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, ... 
  • To console those who mourn in Zion, 
  • To give them beauty for ashes, 
  • The oil of joy for mourning, 
  • The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; 
  • That they may be called trees of Righteousness, 
  • The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.


The indwelling of the Holy Spirit

When Our Praises Go Up..!

God bless you!

God bless America!

In God we Trust! It is time to pray!

When our praises go up, the Glory of God comes down! The Glory brings the blessings of God upon the people. The blessings  of God come with the healing of our bodies, souls and spirits. 

At Hosanna International Miracle Center , we sing, we praise, we pray and we share the Word of God in our services. We believe our prayers and praises unto God bring down His Glory! His Glory comes with His Presence! His Presence, the out flows of His Power, brings abundant Grace and mercy upon our lives. The blinds see, the lames walk as we rejoices before the Lord. 

We sincerely urge you to come and pray for yourself and family! Come and pray for America and the nations! It is an unlimited praying, singing and praising God that would turn things around and you would never be the same! It is your time for resurrection! No more tears! No more credits to the devil! 

Now put on your boogie shoes and let's praise the Holy One of Israel. Hallelujah!

Let The Healing Begins!

The Scripture says:

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14  

Oh Lord! God of Abraham!

Let the healing begins

Let the weak says I am strong!

Because of Your Unfailing Mercy.  

Oh Lord! God of Isaac!

Let the healing begins

Let the poor says I am rich!

Because of Your Abundant Grace.

Oh Lord! God of Jacob!

Let the blind says I see

Let the lame says I can walk!

Because of Your Healing Torch

Oh Lord! God of Hosanna!

Let showers of blessing begin

Let the Later Rain of glory falls!                                     

Because we come to worship Thee. Amen

The Later Rain of Glory

It’s Time for Resurrection!

It’s time for the glory of God to shine upon you! 

The Bible says: “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you" . Romans 8:11 

What is Revival?

Revival takes its root from the Latin Word meaning: to live again, to receive again

             Revivals of Fire

 a life which has almost expired; to re-kindle into a flame the vital spark which was nearly extinguished!  Revival is the process of bringing  somebody back to life, or full strength!


The Revivals of Fire is the Presence of 

God in His glory among His people.  

The Presence of God could be

compared to the scattered clouds in the open sky.  As the people of God prays, the clouds of glory start to gather into a ticker and darker clouds that progress-

ively comes down as an outpouring upon the people and their Land.  The Bible calls it later rain of glory.


God has blessed America before!  He promises to bless America again with fresh revelation and provisions to the people.  Indeed, when the actual revival is here, recession would fade away; marriage would be restored; healings and deliverance would be taken place, and crimes of serious magnitude would start to diminish in our streets because:

Revivals always restraint the devil and its  works.  Revivals always come with the light of  glory.  Satan can not stand the light of glory.  So the more the people of God prays, the brighter the light becomes, the less devil’s activities are in operation.

 Revivals always bring the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit.  This fire of glory consumes the works of darkness, set the captives free and breaks the bonds of the oppressed.

Revivals always bring mass conversion of non-believers, a period of spiritual and economic growths.  People that come to Revivals would be freed in their inner souls and spirits to the point they start to do the right thing again.  HALLELUJAH

A Resurrected Life is a Recreated Spirit

Repentance is confessing our sins plus forsaking our old ways and making an ultimate u-turn from our wicked ways unto God. In a Revival setting, genuine repentance, prayers and praises always bring the glory down to the people as follows:

  • The glory of God brings God’s Presence
  • God’s Presence brings God’s Anointing 
  • God’s Anointing brings God’s Power
  • God’s Power brings God’s Call to Service 
  • God’s Call to Service brings God's Purpose for living,
  • God’s Purpose for Living brings Abundant Life and joy in the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the believers, and finally
  • Follow this protocol to resurrect your spirit.

      The Resurrected Life!

This is called resurrected life in action, a life with a recreated spirit for a recreated purpose to live and flourish again in the Spirit, even in the midst of recession.

Revivals start with A Call to Prayer and Repentance!  These lead to the Confession of our sins before the Almighty God; and Forsaking our wicked ways while making a complete U-turn unto God’s ways of Righteous living .  


Prayer is Power!

Prayer is Revivals!

Prayer changes things! 

Prayer makes things happen! 

Prayer is talking our needs with God!

Prayer is a phone call to the Heavenly.

Because Jesus Lives!

"Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more,  but you will see me; because I Live, you will Live also".  John 14:19  

This is the heart-beat of Hosanna Revivals.

                                          Ascension of Christ

In Leviticus 16, 17, God commanded the Israelites to offer the blood of animal sacrifices unto Him to cover their sins every year.  The High Priest is to make atonement for himself and the people with the blood of a goat sprinkle around the altar and then burn the fat as a pleasing aroma unto God.  He then placed his hands on the head of a second goat, confessed the sins of the people, and then released the goat into the wilderness to carry away the sins of the people. 

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus was crucified dead, buried, raised again, and seen by many.  1 Corinth. 15:1-8.  He is the only sacrificial Lamb needed to redeem the human race from their sins, quilts and death. 

There is Life in the Blood of Jesus!  It's His blood that makes atonement for our souls by the reason of life in it.   It is the Life of the Godhead!   

Jesus not only covers our sins with His blood, He carries it away forever, now  interceding for us at the Right Hand of God Almighty.  Romans 8:34 

Salvation is a free gift from God! 

It is the Life in the blood that redeem! 

It is the Power in the blood that saves!

It was done once and for all.   

Now “if the same Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Rom 8:11. 

May the Holy One of Israel, visits you, dwells with you and  makes you His Sanctuary!  Amen. 

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